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Updates with the Hydra Alien Car Mounting System & Tilta Float System

Hydra Alien & Tilta Float Systems Updates

DJI New Products


We would like to inform you that two of our recently released products Tilta Hydra Alien Car Mounting System and Tilta Float System have undergone certain changes that will improve the overall experience with the product. After the field testings and the valuable feedback from the community of filmmakers around the world we will be implementing certain modifications to the above-mentioned products which will make them more user-friendly at the assembling stage.

The Float System will include some additional support that will prolong the operating time which is so necessary when you have that perfect shot but the time is pressing. With this new support implementation camera operators will be able to sustain longer shots without taking a break.

Hydra Alien Car Mounting System will be modified with the additional parts to provide a more stable image on the tougher uneven road. Also, the new version will be able to sustain cold weather up to -22°F (-30°C).

Unfortunately, we couldn’t make all these improvements possible while keeping the same price. We know that Tilta is the leader when it comes to affordability and quality that independent filmmakers value in our product so we did our best to keep the prices as close to the original as possible.

Hydra Alien will be going up from $999 to $1299 and Float System will be going up from $1199 to $1349. The price changes go into effect on February 5th and new orders will ship out in about 8 weeks. Existing pre-orders will include these improvements.

We believe this increase in the price will be rewarded down the road with a better experience and the invaluable joy from what we love the most — sharing stories.


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  1. So if we already ordered both, that is some serious cash savings! Glad I placed my order for both last week!

    1. Okay I was afraid they were raising the price on those who already preorder. I was sure if that was even legal. This makes me happy that I already prepared the float. I would love to k ow when should we expect our preorders to come in. They touched on new orders but said nothing for those who already put their order in

      1. The price changes go into effect on February 5th and new orders will ship out in about 8 weeks. Existing pre-orders will include these improvements.

        I would assume that if you already ordered at the original price, they are honoring that price, but you get all the improvements and additions mentioned

      2. The price changes go into effect on February 5th and new orders will ship out in about 8 weeks. Existing pre-orders will include these improvements.

        I would assume that if you already ordered at the original price, they are honoring that price, but you get all the improvements and additions mentioned

  2. So what about those of us who already purchased and received the Hydra Alien? Are you going to upgrade this?

    1. Hi Brad, All existing orders will receive the upgrades. Customers who already received their units have been contacted the new parts as well. Email us at if you haven’t been contacted.

      1. So, just to be clear, those of us who have already placed a recent order (I placed mine Jan 29 for both the Hydra Arm and the Float System) and anyone placing an order up until Feb 5 will get the “updated/upgraded” units for the current price of $999 and $1299?

  3. It doesn’t feel like any of these products were ready when preorders went up. It someone feels like the preorders were used to raise the money needed for tilta to finish making these products. This feels like their version of Kickstarter. I understand why they would do something like this but I’m not happy about it. I do wish they were more transparent with the consumer. I’m not sure if I could ever trust them again.

  4. Hey guys!

    Can we know how the Hydra arm was upgraded to provide a more stable image on the tougher uneven road?


  5. Cant even order from the website if you’re outside of North America, Local distributor has no info and now it looks like i’ll be paying the higher price all because of this terrible system. Tilta is a total joke.

  6. Cant even order from the website if you’re outside of North America, Local distributor has no info and now it looks like i’ll be paying the higher price all because of this terrible system. Tilta is a total joke.

  7. I put an order in the very hour the Float was available for pre-order.
    Do we have an estimate when it will ship?

  8. So I wonder when will orders place on jan 03 will start to ship. I reached out to TILTA for an order update and they have not even bothered to respond. Its been a month and now they are saying another 8 weeks?

  9. What about for us that have alfeady purchased the system ? How can we improve it ?

  10. Please dont let us, the guys who allready bought the hydra alien arm, down. I have it here, 1 month old, wasnt used yet due to winter weather, now its outdated, i expect a update on this system to make it work like it should. Even if it should be perfect from the beginning, im ok to pay the difference…..but def not happy if you let us early buyers down.

    1. Hello Alexander
      Did you see the message from Tilta?

      All existing orders will receive the upgrades. Customers who already
      received their units have been contacted the new parts as well. Email us
      at if you haven’t been contacted.

      1. Got confirmation from Tilta that all customers who got their systems allready will get the upgraded parts…..

  11. Is the float system recieving power or video pass-through?

  12. i preordered my hydra alien on November from I would like to know a estimate of when they will ship out.

      1. Did this update ever come out? I can’t find anything?
        I purchased more than 8 weeks ago… wondering when this will start shipping.

  13. I would love to know what the new updates to the Hydra arm are?
    Hopefully a new isolation plate?

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