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Tiltaing Camera Cage for Canon R5

Camera Cage Tiltaing

The next camera system to be supported by our Tiltaing collection of camera accessories is the new Canon R5. Featuring a new mirrorless CMOS image sensor and 8K RAW / 4K 120P capabilities, Canon has made an attractive tool for video content creators. Camera cages, handles, and other accessories will be made available for this new camera, along with a brand new cooling module.

Created to extend recording times and help mitigate overheating, this easily installed module combines a fan, heat sink and temperature sensor. It will activate as needed, and can be removed with ease. Learn more about this new feature and look for more information about more Canon R5 components and their availability soon.

tiltaing for canon eos R5tilta canon r5 cooling modulecanon r5 product parameterssmart temperature control switchcanon eos r5tiltaing camera cage for canon r5

brand new cooling module

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  1. When is this coming it’s been months, also will it work with the R6 since I have 2 of those and the overheating happens sometimes

  2. Is this still a thing that will come out? Patiently waiting :)))))

  3. Please make this for the A7S-III. Yes, it records OK but that camera reaches 125 degrees in 4K, 30p. Keeping it down 110 degrees would be fantastic.

  4. Guys I love your products, but this is really not usable for shooting professional videos.

    1. The noise of the fan is to loud when you shooting indoor or with a microphone on.
    By interviews you can here fall a needle.

    2. The USB port is used for the live view and other monitor and control functions. By different apps.

    3. To flip the internal monitor always open and can not be closed is against any logic to use your system.

    4.better will be a tilta body with a fan or open fresh air slots included and when i close the monitor it’s water protected.

    5. I would spend about 200 bucks to have that happen with the OK from Canon. Let’s say the Canon or tilta services doing the changes without losing the warranty.

    6. I was designer for motorsport solutions and have done many products and prototypes in the past. So the solution you tried is going the wrong way. Back to the board and start from scratch.

  5. Guys
    I would love to see if you can implement a slot at the bottom of Tilta cage for Canon Eos R5 plate so i can used my existing Pocket 4/6k TA-SFH1-97-G
    SIDE FOCUS HANDLE TYPE I (F970 BATTERY) as an additional dummy battery supply to prolong the usage time on location

  6. Would still love to see this come to market. Any news on when it will be available? Or is this dead?

    1. just came out with their own copper plate heat sink which I believe was inspired by the youtuber DIY Perks’ video. You can check their site for it. It offers 44 minutes of 8k and 22 extra after 5 minutes of cooling. I am sure were Tilta to release this product now they would make a perfect pair since in the DIY Perks video he managed to get unlimited recording times when he combined both methods.

  7. Anyone used the cooling system? how long the shooting time extends with the cooling system?

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Posted in Camera Cage, Tiltaing